Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Is anyone else out there drumming their fingers waiting for the superhero craze to be over? I mean, it's not impossible. Westerns had their day in the sun and now are revisited mainly as genre curiosities (or when there's something really hip to do with them, as in HBO's Deadwood). Musicals came and went, as did films about mutant insects turned giant by atomic radiation. But 28 years after Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie, the No. 1 mythical archetype at the box office—with the possible exception of the Italian gangster—is still the dude in a cape with the secret powers and the schleppy* everyday life.

Concordei com ele, mas por motivos totalmente diferentes.

De qualquer modo, a comoção em torno de filmes de HQ continua. Aguardo ansiosamente um filme sobre Turok, the Dinosaur Hunter. Daí quero ver se essa coisa continua.

* Alguma relação com shleper? Será? Alguém que entende íidiche e lê este blog, por favor? Flashbacks dolorosos acometeram minha mente agora. Devido a isso, terei que desafogar a angústia postando mais frequentemente. Se eu pudesse nomear um culpado eu faria, ah eu faria. Mas infelizmente não posso. Isso se chama medo.